Advisory Committee
Dan Falat
~ District Superintendent, San Luis Obispo Coast District Department of Parks & Recreation
Hoyt Fields
~ Museum Director, Retired Annuitant Hearst Castle
Cara O’Brien
~ Museum Director
Gail Fone
~ Fone and Associates
Stevan N. Luzaich
~ Corey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi & Riddle LLP.
Alison Mazzola
~ Alison Mazzola Communications Inc.
Remar Sutton
~ Chairman of the Board of Trustees, HCPF
Associate Trustees
Amanda Hearst Rønning
~ Co-chair and Founder
Natalie and James Bloomingdale
~ Co-chairs
Paula and Randy Harris
~ Co-chairs
Brennan Balson
Ben Berube
Jamie Braverman
Dru Fickling
Josh Flagg
James Flynn
John Hampton
Cary Hampton
Lydia Hearst
Gillian Hearst
Alexander Munro
Rebecca Revel
Joseph O. Tobin III
Joe Lonsdale
~ Founding Trustee
Lady Gaga and Mermaid Touring Inc.
Anne Hearst McInerney and Jay McInerney
Edith* and Joseph O. Tobin II
*in memoriam
All directors are volunteers and pay all their own expenses.
The Hearst Castle Preservation Foundation is a 5O1(c)(3) public charity.
Our federal tax identification number is 77-O31O765.
Hearst Castle Preservation Foundation
11040 Bollinger Canyon Road, E183
San Ramon, CA 94582
For all financial inquiries, please contact team@fonecpa.com.
Board of Directors
Joseph O. Tobin II
~ Chairman
Robert O. Marx
~ Vice Chairman
Gregory J. Hampton
~ Secretary/Treasurer
Anne Hearst McInerney
~ Director of Events
Robert R. Bloomingdale
Rodney M. Cook Jr.
Clint Eastwood
George L. Farias
Jay McInerney
Anthony Peck
Paula Peck
Patricia Hearst Shaw
Wendy Stark
Suzanne Tucker